Monday, October 22, 2007


Here are John and his parents John & Dixie, 1965. If I didn't know better, I'd say this was Elvis and Priscilla! This is me playing dress-up about 1974. Now, tag to all who haven't done this one yet - put up a childhood photo of yourself!


Tricia said...

Elvis and Priscilla is right! Good-looking folks, John's parents. And he is sooooo tiny-wow!

And you were a darling little blondie-reminds me of Katlynn, somewhat. Very sweet =)

Loribee said...

What a precious little girl you were! I remember when Uncle John and Aunt Dixie looked like that. Seems like only yesterday. Love the old photos!

gbuggman said...

Is John wearing a dress?

Visit Zooville said...

My My My, how tiny those legs were. It's hard to believe John was ever that small. At least he didn't outgrow his handsome jeans (oops I mean genes!). Ha Ha He He! Anyway, he's still looking good after all these years. And you Lisa, ahhh, what a beautiful sister I have, I still see that smile in you everytime were together. Hmmmm, wait a minute, is that my purse? LOL...

Anonymous said...

Lisa, the little girl picture is precious!!! Somehow I can see little Eric in your face. Of course he has grown up so much lately...Love you,Dixie

Anonymous said...

Hey bugman, Our little John Jr. is wearing a little blue suit (shirt and diaper pants) that was a gift to him at that time!!! His dad wouldn't think of letting him wear a dress!!
LOL! I remember when you were little too....we loved you soooo much! The son that was so wanted at that time to go with Walrie!
Aunt Dixie

Lisa said...

Who is Walrie???

jen said...

What a gordeous looking family. And you well that is just the sweetest photo.

Audrey said...

Dixie looks so tiny!!!! She's still tiny, but in that photo she'd just had a baby. How did you do it?!!

Lisa, What a happy, sweet photo of you!!! I LOVE that purse.

Audrey said...

Oh, I would put a childhood photo of me up, but It seems Lori has already done it for me. Plus I don't have any here, You'll have to ask my Dad for those. =)

Loribee said...

Walrie was a nickname I had. My Dad called me that. I don't know why. Maybe it sounds like Laurie?

Anonymous said...

Audrey, I was 18 that how I did that...that is stay skinny...extremely active too!
Aunt Dixie