Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

A little more than a year ago, we moved to the neighborhood of our dreams. An older, established place with mature trees and large lots. Where children walk to school and play Frisbee in the street with their friends next door. Where neighbors still Christmas carol and BBQ on Independence Day. That's why it was our pleasure to co-host the block's first annual fall "Chili Cook-off" this past weekend with my neighbor Tracy.

We had splendid sunshine and mild temperatures for the fall gathering. Here are some pics of the festive set-up of our backyard;

There was lots of mingling, crafts for the kids and 13 steaming pots of Chili entered into the contest! Everyone had their own style of 'tasting'. Some critics chose to use a plate, with several entries ladled on. Others chose to just hover over the buffet table, tasting and ranking each pot. My personal favorite was the White Chicken Chili, but the contestants were very creative. There was vegetarian made with tofu, an all beef spicy pot roast style, some with red wine, chili made with rib meat, and even a radioactive FISH chili. But, when all the tasting was said and done, there was a clear winner. 14 YR. OLD JOHN AUTRY, III with his prize winning Chocolate Wine Chili! John won the coveted Chili Trophy, to cherish until he hands it off to next year's winner, and a gift certificate to "Chili's Bar & Grill". This makes a clean sweep for John on winning the sub-division contests, after winning the elusive Bike Decorating Contest on the 4th of July this past summer. I may have to pull him out of next year's competitions or we could get run out of the neighborhood! LOL!

May everyone have a wonderful fall season. Enjoy your football games, go trick-or-treating, pile up your leaves, and snuggle with your loved ones and a warm bowl of chili.


Loribee said...

Wow, Lisa! I am so impressed. Congratulations to John III on his chili and to all of you for the Fall celebration. I really love fall too (except for the wind we get). Your decorations look great!

Tricia said...

Oh, how gorgeous! Your "photo bench" is a nice touch. What fun you all must have had.

Army of Mom said...

That is so neat. I love that your neighborhood does that. Our neighborhood is a mix of people who will talk out in the yard with those who act like their neighbors don't exist. :(

Too cool. My honey can make a mean pot of chili. Instead of wine and chocolate, he uses beer and cinnamon. Shhh, don't tell. He may have to execute me for telling his secrets. :)

Lisa said...

hmm, beer and cinnamon, sounds very Minnesotan =)

Visit Zooville said...

I think everyone had a blast, you did a great job on everything. Can't wait to see what you will do next year! *wink wink*