Monday, December 3, 2007

Gene Autry

Here's a window frame I painted a few years ago - a tribute to our distant cousin, Gene Autry. Again, it's very folk styled. I painted it from the back side of the glass and then came back in and outlined it in black from the front. Then, spray painted the entire back with the creme color for a background. This one hangs in our Texas room, which I'll show in the home tour later.


Loribee said...

Can't wait to see the Texas room. What room is next on the tour?

Loribee said...

You are so talented. I love the window you painted.

Tricia said...

I just flat love it! Very cool concept translated beautifully to the glass. You really can do just about everything!

Visit Zooville said...

You always do a great job when using your creative side. It truly adds character to your Texas Room.

Now that I reread that, I want to say... you always do a great job with everything you do! Not just with your creative side. Ok, that's better.

Wasssup said...

Hey Lisa,
Cool painting fer sure !

Lisa said...

Thanks Y'all! So many people don't even know who Gene Autry is these days. Funny, huh?

Next room on the home tour was the DINING ROOM. If you want to do this room just post your pic on your site.